Now that you know how to conduct a thorough search for any unclaimed assets that belong to you, you need to know how to file a claim and get access to your funds. In fact, once you find unclaimed assets, you have to properly file a claim and prove your identity before you can have them. There are several steps you may have to take to do that.

First, whether you’re claiming these assets from a state government agency or federal government agency, these agencies will likely ask you to fill out, sign and have notarized proper documentation. It confirms your identity and outlines the assets you’re filing a claim on. This document is almost always required when claiming assets that are valued at $1,000 or more.

Learn How To File a Claim for Your Unclaimed Assets
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If you’re claiming physical assets, like jewelry, gold, artwork, antiques, real estate or other items, you may be required to fill out additional paperwork and have that notarized, too. The state or federal agency keeping these assets safe needs these documents to fully confirm your identity and your entitlement to them.

One way to make sure these documents are thorough and correct is to contact the agency holding them and collaborate with them on filling out the documents and collecting all necessary proof of identification.

Next, you’ll also have to present proof of identification if you file the claim in person or meet with the agency to process the claim after it’s been received. You may need to provide your valid state ID or license, but a valid U.S. passport or other official and valid government ID are also acceptable in most cases. You may also need to present your birth certificate as well.

In addition to confirming who you say you are, you may be asked to provide additional documentation that confirms you are entitled to the assets in question. For example, you may need to provide bank account numbers to collect unclaimed savings or bank account funds.

You might need official copies of a will or estate liquidation documents to collect the money or property legally given to you buy a late relative or friend. Or, you may need to have the court case number or bankruptcy number to collect these funds. Have as much relevant information ready to present to make the process as efficient as possible.

It’s important to note that every state agency has its own claim form. So do federal agencies and the U.S. court system. That means you must download (or request paper copies of) and fill out the exact claim form for that particular agency.

If your claim is accepted and processed, you must provide the address to which the agency should send your check or physical assets. In many cases, if you don’t provide another address, these items will be shipped to your current address as stated on the documentation.

However, some agencies may allow you to receive money via direct deposit to the bank account of your choice.

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