Gaining control over asthma begins with a detailed diagnosis. A thorough evaluation from a health care professional should combine your medical history with current symptoms. Your doctor should also discuss what triggers your asthma and conduct a physical examination and targeted testing. 

Next, your doctor can craft an asthma treatment care plan that’s as unique as you are. This comprehensive approach helps your doctor to tailor a treatment strategy that meets your individual needs, using a blend of medications and inhalers designed to make breathing easier.

Tips for Finding a Path to Asthma Treatment

Common Tests for Asthma Diagnosis

  • Spirometry Test: This is a fundamental test that measures how quickly and how much air you can exhale. Performing this test before and after inhaling a bronchodilator like Albuterol helps to see if your airways improve with medication.
  • Peak Flow Meter: This is a simple tool for gauging the highest speed at which you can exhale air. Regularly tracking your peak flow readings can be a powerful way to monitor your asthma day-to-day.
  • Allergy Tests: Through skin prick or blood tests, these tests identify potential allergens that could be triggering your asthma symptoms. This information is incredibly useful, even though it’s not a direct test for asthma.
  • Exhaled Nitric Oxide Test: This test measures the amount of nitric oxide in your breath, which tends to be higher if you have inflamed airways, indicative of asthma.

Personalized Treatment: Medications and Inhalers

Following your diagnosis, your doctor should suggest a tailored treatment plan. This could include a range of inhalers that deliver medication right where it’s needed – in your lungs.

Here’s a brief look at the types of asthma medications and inhalers you might encounter:

  • Quick-relief Inhalers: For immediate relief during an asthma flare-up, Albuterol inhalers are indispensable. They quickly open narrowed airways, making breathing easier.
  • Inhaled Corticosteroids (ICS): These are cornerstone treatments for reducing inflammation in the airways, with options like beclomethasone and budesonide available. The Trelegy inhaler combines three active ingredients to provide comprehensive relief from asthma symptoms. ICS is effective, but come with advice to rinse your mouth after use to prevent side effects like throat irritation. 
  • Long-acting Bronchodilators (LABA): Found in a Breztri inhaler and Symbicort inhaler, these medications relax the muscles around your airways to improve airflow and prevent symptoms over time. It’s worth discussing any side effects, such as palpitations or tremors, with your doctor.
  • Biologics: For severe asthma not well-managed by other treatments, medications like Xolair, Mepolizumab, and Nucala asthma medications target specific parts of the immune system. While highly effective, it’s important to be aware of possible Nucala side effects, including sinus congestion.

Creating an asthma treatment plan with your healthcare provider is crucial. This plan should guide you on how to manage your asthma daily, recognize when your symptoms are worsening, and determine when it’s time to seek medical help.

By engaging in an open dialogue with your doctor, staying informed about your asthma, and sticking to your customized treatment plan, you can be better prepared to lead a fulfilling life despite asthma. Explore all available treatment options, including innovative medications, like Trelegy and Xolair, to discover the path forward for you.

While medications play a crucial role in asthma management, there’s a whole world of additional strategies and treatments beyond medications waiting to be discovered that can significantly enhance your quality of life with asthma.